These are solutions to the Responsive Web Design Certificate course on FreeCodeCamp. FreeCodeCamp (FCC) help you to learn Web Development from the very basic with hands-on practice. After learning concepts, you need to make some web pages. Tasks in projects are defined by FCC and we need to complete those tasks. After successful testing of all projects, you will get certificate.
Here is mine certificate.
I made projects on -
- Tribute Page Project
- Survey Form Project
- Product Landing Page Project
- Technical Documentation Page Project
- Portfolio Page Project
No. | Type of Project | Project Name | Live Link |
A0. | Tribute Page | General Bipin Rawat | Link |
A1. | Survey Form | NorthEast Survey Form | Link |
A2. | Product Landing Page | Color Keepers | Link |
A3. | Technical Documentation | JavaScript Literals | Link |
A4. | Portfolio Page | Portfolio | Link |
In my project, I used different types of resources. You will read about them in their respective ReadMe. But one thing is common in all the projects that is Codepen. It is a good online platform to write code.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Vanilla JavaScript
- Desktop-first workflow
- Responsive on Mobile Screen
I know literally nothing about how to make project. Doing practice of many different concepts separately and using them together when required is totally different thing. It is not easy to remember so many HTML and CSS components. So I had to do lots of searching, back-and-forth on concepts and their implementation, redo many things, search and read many new things I didn't read in tutorials.
That's where the learning happened. That's how I learned.
I wanted to show not only my live projects but also the codes in systematic way. GitHub gave me that freedom. So before uploading in GitHub, I improved all of my projects and changed many things, edited throughout the code in HTML & CSS and used my learning. Also added JavaScript where I feel it was necessary; keeping in mind to not change the core of the projects.
- freecodecamp - All the problems I pracice. Helped me a lot. 🙌
- w3schools - This helped me throughout my journey. Still doing. 🙂
Basant Soni 👨💻
- GitHub - @SoniBasant
- Frontend Mentor - @SoniBasant
- CodePen - @SoniBasant
- Hashnode - @SoniBasant