Useful Command-line Commands for Programming
I. Rapid deployment for non-programmers and others short on time.
II. Speed development for developers.
GET: |
clone |
Copy & paste needed .bat(s) to folder |
Right click & select edit or... |
^ |
Drag & drop the .bat onto a text editor |
RUN: |
Open target .bat |
Open __git_update_recursive_forEach.bat or __git_pull_origin_master_[reset].bat |
1. MongoDB
2. mySQL
3. SQLite
1. Docker
2. docker-machine
1. Heroku
1. Powershell
2. JREPL.bat
1. git
2. Chocolatey [package managment]
1. gcc compile C and/or C++
2. gdb debug C and/or C++
1. Kha make html5 [WebGL]
2. Kha make [cpp] OpenGL
3. Kha make [cpp] DirectSound [Windows]
1. jar archives
2. java compiling
3. java compiling & jarring
1. node
2. npm
3. nvm
4. yarn
5. nodemon
6. express
7. webpack
8. react
9. node-gyp
10. node-pre-gyp
11. knex
12. chai
13. morgan
14. CoffeScript
1. pip
2. conda
3. virtualwrapperenv-win
3. Django
4. django-graphene
Convert bat to bash (possibly using Batsh).
Add more MongoDB/Node cmds.
Make reference doc.
JREPL.BAT by Dave Benham
__git_remote_set-url_origin.bat by Thomas Dillard