Releases: SonarSource/sonar-kotlin
Fix discrepancies between MQR and severity for Kotlin rules
Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.22
SONARKT-411 Update rules metadata
SONARKT-400 Use Kotlin Analysis API
Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.21
SONARKT-363 S6207: ClassCastException on certain types of Arrays.hashCode calls
SONARKT-364 ZipException in Kotlin analyzer when project depends on adwords-axis
SONARKT-387 Remove generic CatchAll rule for external linters
SONARKT-388 Bug in rule S6524: IllegalArgumentException when retrieving Fully Qualified Name
SONARKT-402 Kotlin Gradle scripts shouldn't be analyzed by KotlinSensor
SONARKT-404 IllegalArgumentException in UnusedDeferredResultCheck
SONARKT-406 not handled by KotlinCoreEnvironmentToolsKt
New Feature
SONARKT-394 Add STIG metadata support
False Positive
SONARKT-374 FP in rule S100 when a function is annotated with @Composable
from Jetpack
SONARKT-354 Improve error reporting when code highlighting in messages isn't available
SONARKT-357 Enable "NOSONAR" in SonarLint
SONARKT-365 Reduce logging level to debug for not supported highlighting
SONARKT-398 Upgrade Kotlin compiler to 2.0.21
SONARKT-399 Replace kotlin-compiler-embeddable by kotlin-compiler
SONARKT-403 Execute TopDownAnalyzerFacadeForJVM even if classpath is empty
SONARKT-412 Upgrade analyzer-commons to 2.16.0
SONARKT-413 Update rules metadata
SONARKT-414 Change license to SONAR Source-Available License v1.0 (SSALv1)
SONARKT-415 Improve S6524 to comply with its description
Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.20
SONARKT-333 Update rule description of S6518 to explicitly mention Java interop
SONARKT-372 Improve the integration with Gradle Tooling API in the Gradle rules
SONARKT-376 S6624: Fix broken compliant example in RSPEC
SONARKT-382 Update rules metadata
Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.19
SONARKT-367 FP on S6517 for sealed interfaces
SONARKT-369 FP S2097 check don't consider when as a test type
New Feature
SONARKT-286 Implement rule S6619: Null checks should make sense
SONARKT-299 Implement rule S3353: Var should be val
SONARKT-301 Implement rule S6524: Collection should be immutable if contents is not changed
SONARKT-302 Implement rule S6526: Abstract class should be interface
SONARKT-303 Implement rule S6527: Function chain using "filter" should be simplified
SONARKT-304 Implement rule S6528: "find" should be replaced with "any", "none" or "contains"
SONARKT-368 Stop raising issues when toString not implemented in rule S6218
Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.17
SONARKT-355 Update rules metadata with CCT classification
SONARKT-356 CCT support using sonar-analyzer-commons 2.7 and sonar-plugin-api 10.1
SONARKT-350 Upgrade to Kotlin 1.9
Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.16
SONARKT-334 Multiline comments inside functions are counted as Lines of Code
New Feature
SONARKT-317 Implement rule S6626: Tasks should define "description" and "group"
SONARKT-320 Implement rule S6623: "tasks.register()" should be preferred over "tasks.create()"
SONARKT-322 Implement rule S6624: Dependency versions shouldn't be hard-coded
SONARKT-323 Implement rule S6629: Dependencies should be grouped by destination
SONARKT-327 Implement rule S6631: Gradle settings file should always be present
SONARKT-328 implement rule S6625: "" should always be present in Gradle settings
SONARKT-332 Implement rule S6634: Core plugins IDs should be replaced by their shortcuts
SONARKT-335 Add .kts as default language extension along with .kt
SONARKT-336 Split sonar-kotlin into modules
SONARKT-337 Add a GradleSensor that will visit .gradle.kts files
SONARKT-340 Add test framework for KotlinGradleSensor checks
SONARKT-344 Add a task to generate stubs for Gradle Kotlin rules
SONARKT-345 Disable Kotlin rules for Kotlin scripts
SONARKT-347 Update Rules Metadata
SONARKT-348 Update Linter Bindings
Release notes - SonarKotlin - 2.15
SONARKT-306 Exception in the rule S2175: CollectionInappropriateCalls when used with typed arrays
SONARKT-313 Potential StackOverflow in VoidShouldBeUnitCheck (S6508) due to recursive star projection
SONARKT-251 Fix FP in rule S1186 when @Suppress("DEPRECATION") is used
SONARKT-314 S6517: common FP when an interface has a parent
New Feature
SONARKT-119 Rule S6207: Redundant functions should be avoided in data classes
SONARKT-282 Implement rule S6530: Type casts should make sense
SONARKT-288 Implement rule S6531: Type casts and checks shouldn't be redundant
SONARKT-292 Implement rule S6515: Singleton pattern should use object declarations or expressions
SONARKT-294 Implement rule S6558: "It" shouldn't be used as a lambda parameter name
SONARKT-295 Implement rule S6615: Variables assigned values should be read
SONARKT-296 Implement rule S6532: "check" or "require" should be used for preconditions
SONARKT-297 Implement rule S6529: "isEmpty", "isNotEmpty" should be used to check the size
SONARKT-298 Implement rule S6611: `Map` values should be accessed safely
SONARKT-279 Plugin MANIFEST should declare the JRE version requirement
SONARKT-312 Allow issue messages code highlighting
SONARKT-315 Update rules metadata
SONARKT-316 Update external linters