Release notes - SonarJava - 8.8
False Positive
SONARJAVA-4093 S3252 should not raise issues on access to static members that are declared in inaccessible classes
SONARJAVA-4260 S2699 should not raise issues on RestAssured assertions
SONARJAVA-4263 FP on S2325 when method requires type parameter from parent class
SONARJAVA-4424 FP S2187 expecting TestNG annotated classes to have public test methods
SONARJAVA-4436 FP on rule S2095 when using @lombok.cleanup
SONARJAVA-4446 FP on S2187 for subclasses of test classes
SONARJAVA-4973 S1118 should not raise on classes annotated with `@UtilityClass` when semantic is incomplete
SONARJAVA-5134 FP S2245 - Identification of Commons Lang `RandomStringUtils.secure()` as safe
SONARJAVA-5149 FP S1075 should not raise issues when the an uri is a suffix
SONARJAVA-5185 S2201:FP Optional.orElseThrow has side effect
SONARJAVA-5236 [S6437] passwordParameter not a password
SONARJAVA-5223 Update RSPEC before 8.8 release
SONARJAVA-5225 Prepare next development iteration 8.8
SONARJAVA-5237 Bump orchestrator to version
SONARJAVA-5216 S1871 Consider variable identity when testing branch equivalence.
SONARJAVA-5221 QuickFix for S7158 (String.isEmpty() instead of length check).
SONARJAVA-5241 Support .withoutSemantic() mode in FilterVerifier
SONARJAVA-5029 S1190: Update Compliant solution comment
SONARJAVA-5036 S3749: Update rule description to add "@resource" from package jakarta.annotation
SONARJAVA-5239 Remove obsolete Test using deprecated metric "function_complexity_distribution"