Rust implementation of the Glacier 2 programming language.
The Glacier programming language is a successor of my previous programming language, Gorilla. Gorilla was written in Golang, but due to the implementation's bad memory management and slow speed, I started a new project called Glacier.
Glacier 1 was merely a clone of Gorilla written in Rust. There is a 3x speed improvement, but still not optimal.
The hope of Glacier 2 is to utilize the best methods for an interpreter. Mark-and-sweep GC, global allocator, simply bytecodes, and many more are the features I am aiming to use.
- Simplicity
- Ruby-style syntax with as few native types as possible.
- Speed
- Compiled to GlacierVM bytecode and executed by a fast VM.
- JIT will be implemented in the future.
- Safety
- No undefined behaviours.