A parser which converts Java source code into UML class diagram and sequence diagram.
Technology: Java
UML class parser:
Converts Java Source Code into UML Class Diagram.
Tools/libraries used:
- Java grammar parser : https://github.com/javaparser/javaparser [http://javaparser.org/]
- UML Class Diagram generator: yUML [https://yuml.me/]
Run the program:
Jar is located in: https://github.com/SnehaVM/UML-Parser/blob/master/Jar/UMLParserClass.jar
java -jar UMLParserClass.jar ./TestCases/test4 classDiagram.png
Argument1: full path to the testcase folder containing java files
Argument2: name of the output image file
URL to YouTube video: After integrating UML Parser with a Cloud Scale Web Application
Team mates from CMPE 281:
Darshit Thesiya(011424647)
Vikas Miyani:(011410152)
UML Sequence parser:
Performs dynamic analysis of Java Source code to generate a UML Sequence Diagram. Implemented using Aspect oriented programming (AOP).
Tools/libraries used:
- UML Sequence Diagram generator: PlantUML ( http://plantuml.com/), Jar: plantuml.jar
- aspectjrt.jar
- aspectjtools.jar
path to the above libraries :https://github.com/SnehaVM/UML-Parser/tree/master/SequenceDiagramAspect/lib
Shell script for compile time weaving :
Run the program:
Jar is located in: https://github.com/SnehaVM/UML-Parser/blob/master/Jar/UMLSequence_Aspectj.jar
command: Java -jar UMLSequence_Aspectj.jar