Vehicle keys as items
Please join my discord :
- The key is created with the vehicle plate and model in item description
- Keys are given at car buy (events available)
- The locksmith is used to buy additional keys and change locks of a car
- When a player tries to enter the car, it check the lock value of the car
- Npc cars are accessible the gta way (carjacking or window breaking)
- If car is locked the player can lockpick it, else the player can enter
- Once the player is in the car a check is made for the key item in inventory to start the engine
- If the player have no key he can try to hotwire the car
- For admin cars (/car) the car is now yours temporarly, so you have an "old style invisible key"
- When a job spawn a free car, the player receives the same old style key, so no hotwire
- When a car is sold, the key can be removed
- Keys are never deleted or removed, and not given by the garage anymore, you need to keep the keys in your inventory or storage
Delete qb-vehiclekeys from qbcore
Install the new resource with a name THAT IS NOT qb-vehiclekeys
Copy the vehiclekeys image in img folder into qb-inventory\html\images
Import player_vehicles.sql into your database
Add in qb-core/shared/items.lua
vehiclekey = { name = 'vehiclekey', label = 'Vehicle key', weight = 10, type = 'item', image = 'vehiclekeys.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = "This is a car key, take good care of it, if you lose it you probably won't be able to use your car" },
- Add item info to qb-inventory\html\js\app.js around line 395 in function generateDescription
case "labkey":
return `<p>Lab: ${}</p>`;
case "vehiclekey": //Change Add
return `<p><strong>Car: </strong><span>${}</span></p>
<p><strong>Plate: </strong><span>${}</span></p>`; //Change Add
return itemData.description;
Basically 2 events are used for the vehicle keys in qb-vehicleshop/client.lua One event that will create a key when you buy the car 'qb-vehiclekeys:server:BuyVehicle' that you need to insert into your vehicle shop like this One event that will give a temporary key used for admin spawn car or job car 'vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner' that you need to remove/comment in the vehicleshop like this (this event is used in the complete qbcore solution, but sometimes a dev tries to be original and use an event nobody use 'qb-vehiclekeys:server:AcquireVehicleKeys', this is the same as 'vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner')
RegisterNetEvent('qb-vehicleshop:client:buyShowroomVehicle', function(vehicle, plate)
tempShop = insideShop -- temp hacky way of setting the shop because it changes after the callback has returned since you are outside the zone
QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('QBCore:Server:SpawnVehicle', function(netId)
local veh = NetToVeh(netId)
exports['LegacyFuel']:SetFuel(veh, 100)
SetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh, plate)
SetEntityHeading(veh, Config.Shops[tempShop]["VehicleSpawn"].w)
--TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(veh)) --Change comment
TriggerServerEvent("qb-vehicletuning:server:SaveVehicleProps", QBCore.Functions.GetVehicleProperties(veh))
TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:server:BuyVehicle', plate, GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(veh)))) --Change Add
end, vehicle, Config.Shops[tempShop]["VehicleSpawn"], true)
As the keys are already given by the shop, you need to remove the temporary key given in the garage 'vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner' so you need to remove/comment it in the gagare you use like this in qb-garage/client/main.lua
RegisterNetEvent('qb-garages:client:takeOutGarage', function(data)
local type = data.type
local vehicle = data.vehicle
local garage = data.garage
local index = data.index
QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-garage:server:IsSpawnOk', function(spawn)
if spawn then
local location
if type == "house" then
location = garage.takeVehicle
location = garage.spawnPoint
QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-garage:server:spawnvehicle', function(netId, properties)
local veh = NetToVeh(netId)
QBCore.Functions.SetVehicleProperties(veh, properties)
exports['LegacyFuel']:SetFuel(veh, vehicle.fuel)
doCarDamage(veh, vehicle)
TriggerServerEvent('qb-garage:server:updateVehicleState', 0, vehicle.plate, index)
--TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(veh)) --Change comment
SetVehicleEngineOn(veh, true, true)
if type == "house" then
exports['qb-core']:DrawText(Lang:t("info.park_e"), 'left')
InputOut = false
InputIn = true
end, vehicle, location, true)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("error.not_impound"), "error", 5000)
end, vehicle.plate, type)
This event can be used to automatically remove a key from player's inventory
TriggerServerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:server:RemoveKey', plate)