Example repo of organizing photoshop scripts with rez
The photoshop scripts are .js (or .jsx) files. I chose javascript instead of the other formats because it is platform-agnostic and (somewhat) standard. To run the script in photoshop, just go to File -> Scripts -> Do Thing.
These scripts will not be copied to photoshop's scripts directory, they will live wherever your other rez packages do.
All the scripts have corresponding .jsx "stubs" that will be deployed to the Presets/Scripts directory in photoshop's install directory. Example on windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Presets\Scripts. To help distinguish your custom scripts, it may be useful to add a studio acronym or other prefix to these stubs.
This only needs to happen once per script, per computer (per photoshop version if you have multiple). The only thing these stubs do is find the actual .js script and run it. This allows you to iterate on your .js scripts as much as you want, without having to copy them to photoshop's scripts directory every single time.
Since the stub is deployed once, all updates will happen in the script.js file. All you need to do is rez-build --install
then go into a rez environment like rez-env photoshop_tools
, then launch photoshop from the environment.
Make changes to your script.js file, rez-build --install
again, then run the script in photoshop.
Since the stub relies on the $REZ_PHOTOSHOP_TOOLS_ROOT environment variable to find the script,
it will pick up changes without having to relaunch photoshop every time.
Sometimes artists (or even myself) will launch photoshop normally, or will open a .psd file by double-clicking it. This will mean that it will not be in a rez environment, and won't have the $REZ_PHOTOSHOP_TOOLS_ROOT environment variable. To account for this, as part of the release process, I copy the build to a known location on a shared network. The stubs will fallback to that server location if the environment variable does not exist.
This will be similar to however you launch other software in rez environments. For example on windows, create a .bat file with:
@echo off
rez-env photoshop_tools photoshop-2023 -c "photoshop"
You can put this on a shared network drive somewhere, create a shortcut to the user's desktop, and add a custom icon to it. Since no version is specified, it will always pick up the latest version (or your local build if you are developing/testing).