Rez plugin for Cmder to retain the linux-like commands in a rez environment.
- Go to the Cmder site
- Download Cmder (full), unzip, and launch it
- Optional but recommended to install Notepad++
- Open the menu on the bottom right and go to Settings > Startup > Tasks
- Click on {cmd::Cmder} and then Clone
- Name it "cmd::custom" or something
- Edit the commands text box to read
cmd /k ""%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat" & "%USERPROFILE%\.cmderrc.bat" "
- Go to Startup in the Settings and select your custom task in the dropdown
Copy the .cmderrc.bat
file to your home directory, which should look like:
@echo off
REM initialize rez
REM NOTE: replace this with whatever rez-initialization script you use
call Z:\rez\init.bat
REM enable CmderRez plugin
REM NOTE: replace this with your rez plugin path
set REZ_PLUGIN_PATH=Z:\rez\plugins\cmder-rez;%REZ_PLUGIN_PATH%
set REZ_DEFAULT_SHELL=cmder_cmd
REM source custom aliases
call %USERPROFILE%\.cmder_aliases.cmd
REM disable the git status in the prompt, technically only needs to be run once
git config --global --replace-all cmder.status false
REM go to my home dir
Copy the .cmder_aliases.cmd
file to your home directory, which should look like:
;= @echo off
;= REM Call DOSKEY and use this file as the macrofile
;= %SystemRoot%\system32\doskey /listsize=1000 /macrofile=%0%
;= REM In batch mode, jump to the end of the file
;= goto:eof
;= Add aliases below here
;= REM quick alias for editing the aliases
aliases="C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %USERPROFILE%\.cmder_aliases.cmd
;= REM a "which" that looks in aliases first
which=doskey /MACROS | grep -P "^$1=" || which $1
;= REM optional, add whatever additional aliases you want
;= REM ******************************************************************
;= REM * EOF - Don't Remove the following line. It clears out the ';'
;= REM * macro. We're using it because there is no support for comments
;= REM * in a DOSKEY macro file.
;= REM ******************************************************************
- Start a new Cmder process
renv python-3
- It should list your home directory contents
- Inject clink into new processes
To contribute, submit a pull request to the "develop" branch and submit to code review.
- Make sure this README is up-to-date.
- Make a
"[REL] <version number>"
release commit. - Go to
(or wherever you deploy it) git pull upstream main