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SlicerRt naming conventions

Sunderlandkyl edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Segmentations module

  • Segmentation: MRML type that encapsulates multiple segments and multiple types of contour representations

    • DICOM term: Structure Set
    • Parent is a Study level subject hierarchy node
  • Segment: One structure/segment/ROI contained by a segmentation, handling various representations

    • DICOM term: Structure
  • Planar contour: the default representation type for DICOM RTSTRUCT structure sets. A list of co-planar 2D contours. Its type is vtkPolyData

  • Binary labelmap: the default volumetric representation type in a segment. Its type is vtkOrientedImageData

    • Can be converted from Ribbon model or Closed surface model, with a required Reference image geometry parameter. If the structure set has a referenced volume in DICOM, then the Reference volume is auto-selected and the conversion is fully automatic.
    • Used as inputs for many algorithms (dose volume histogram, segment comparison, segment morphology)
  • Closed surface model: the default 3D visualization representation type of a segment. Unlike the Ribbon model, this model is a closed surface. Its type is vtkPolyData.

    • Used mainly for nice visualization.
  • Ribbon model: quick 3D representation type. Its type is vtkPolyData

    • Consists of "ribbons" that are created by the planar contours in the structures in the DICOM RTSTRUCT object by connecting and widening each planar contour. The ribbons are in the same plane as the referenced volume's slices
  • Reference volume (aka rasterization reference volume/image): The volume used as a reference when a Ribbon or Closed surface model is converted to Binary labelmap. The labelmap will have the same lattice than the reference volume (if there is no oversampling is chosen)

    • If the structure set has a referenced volume in DICOM, then the Reference volume is auto-selected to be this volume, which is typically a CT or an MR image
  • Oversampling factor: Integer number determining the number of sub-voxels that are created during rasterization. Each voxel will be divided into this many parts along each dimension. If the Oversampling factor is 1, then the Reference volume is used as is. If it is 2, then the created Indexed labelmap will have 8 times as many voxels (the number of voxels will be twice as many along each axis), while occupying the same space (origin, orientation). It is possible to set oversampling to automatic, which method selects a suitable factor based on relative structure size and complexity

Subject Hierarchy module

  • Identifier attribute: Subject hierarchy node attribute that identifies the associated object as a certain type. Example: 'DicomRtImport.DoseVolume' attribute identifies an associated volume as a dose volume. The identifier attributes are marked with a comment in SlicerRtCommon.cxx
  • Connection attribute: Subject hierarchy node attribute that connect an object to another, thus enabling finding it quickly. Example: 'DicomRtImport.RoiReferencedSeriesUid' attribute connects a segmentation with the referenced anatomical volume that was used for contouring.

Dose comparison

  • Gamma: name of the dose comparison algorithm being used in the module