The goal of this repo is to put together a minimal, bare-bones MUcode framework for TinyMUX 2.12. I'll be avoiding game-system-specific things, but encouraging default functionality that updates and replaces aging code like SGP Globals. Some of the SGP functionality will probably end up dropped entirely.
This will NOT include things like Myrddin's BBS and other code repositories that are kept up to date; at best, I'll link to them here in this README. The purpose of this is to gather original code, universal-but-unpublished code, or code that needs modifications to work with this system.
In cases where code requires modification to work with this system, and is actively maintained, I will include a link to the original repository and a description of changes made, with credit reserved for the author.
As always, code should be drop-in ready with minimal editing unless in-progress, and documentation will be included with the files.
Myrddin's BBS, Cron, etc are available here:
Thenomain's MU Support Systems:
Skew's MUSHcode repository: