Learning management system using Django web framework. You might want to develop a learning management system (also known as a school/college management system) for a school/college organization, or simply for the purpose of learning the tech stack and enhancing your portfolio. In either case, this project would be a great way to get started. The aim is to create the world's most lightweight yet feature-rich learning management system. However, this is not possible without your support, so please give it a star ⭐️.
Documentation is under development
Let's enhance the project by contributing! 👩💻👩💻

- Dashboard: School demographics and analytics. Restricted to only admins
- News And Events: All users can access this page
- Admin manages students(Add, Update, Delete)
- Admin manages lecturers(Add, Update, Delete)
- Students can Add and Drop courses
- Lecturers submit students' scores: Attendance, Mid exam, Final exam, assignment
- The system calculates students' Total, average, point, and grades automatically
- Grade comment for each student with a pass, fail, or pass with a warning
- Assessment result page for students
- Grade result page for students
- Session/year and semester management
- Assessments and grades will be grouped by semester
- Upload video and documentation for each course
- PDF generator for students' registration slip and grade result
- Page access restriction
- Storing of quiz results under each user
- Question order randomization
- Previous quiz scores can be viewed on the category page
- Correct answers can be shown after each question or all at once at the end
- Logged-in users can return to an incomplete quiz to finish it and non-logged-in users can complete a quiz if their session persists
- The quiz can be limited to one attempt per user
- Questions can be given a category
- Success rate for each category can be monitored on a progress page
- Explanation for each question result can be given
- Pass marks can be set
- Multiple choice question type
- True/False question type
- Essay question type.................Coming soon
- Custom message displayed for those that pass or fail a quiz
- Custom permission (view_sittings) added, allowing users with that permission to view quiz results from users
- A marking page which lists completed quizzes, can be filtered by quiz or user, and is used to mark essay questions
If you would like to contribute, simply begin by implementing one from the list in the TODO.md
The following program(s) are required to run the project
- Clone the repo with
git clone https://github.com/SkyCascade/SkyLearn.git
- Create and activate a python virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
file inside the root directory -
Copy and paste everything in the
file into the.env
file. Don't forget to customize the variable values
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver
Last but not least, go to this address
Check this page for more insight and support.
- Quiz part: https://github.com/tomwalker/django_quiz