DotNet 8.0 and any supported IDE for DEV running.
This is the replacement for the Find EPAO capability of the current Find Apprenticeship Training Service. Find EPAO is now it's own service. It provides users with a way to find an EPAO for a particular course.
appsettings.json should have the following section:
"FindEpaoApi": {
"Key": "test",
"BaseUrl": "http://localhost:5007/",
"PingUrl": "http://localhost:5007/"
The important part of the configuration is making sure that your BaseUrl is pointed to the MockServer url
You are able to run the website by doing the following:
- Run the console app
- this will create a mock server on http://localhost:5007 - Start the web solution
https://localhost:5011/courses/14/assessment-organisations -> Integrated Apprenticeship
https://localhost:5011/courses/2/assessment-organisations -> No EPAOs available
https://localhost:5011/courses/14/assessment-organisations/epa0014 -> Integrated Course EPAO Detail
https://localhost:5011/courses/2/assessment-organisations/epa0014 -> No epao available