A blazingly fast app linker
Rhiza is for windows only
linux has better options already
via cargo
cargo install rhiza
via winget
winget install skardyy.rhiza
via installer
install and run the .msi installer from here
rhz crawl
to find potential apps to link (walks recursively) defaults:
- ~\Desktop
- ~\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
- Crawl is mostly to find gui apps and games
- there are more filtering and logic to prompt you only for relevant apps to link
- you will be prompted for new apps you didn't link to before (apps you said no before won't be prompted again)
you can also
rhz crawl "/PATH/TO/DIR"
you can search for a single app across the entire file-system (ignores hidden folders and Windows/Microsoft ones)
rhz add NAME
same as add ~ just for adding into path
rhz path NAME
For both the Path and Add functions
if the user have fzf installed in the machine and he didn't specify a search term
fzf will open to search for the recommended files
you can view all linked apps and their config
rhz view
it will print it in a formatted json
or maybe you want to edit the config
rhz edit
it will open the ~/.rhiza/ folder where you can:
- edit the config to not automatically re add the deleted items
- delete the url/lnk file from the src dir (after doing
rhz run
the shell and menu links will be removed as well)
finally you can create the lnk files using
rhz run
it will create the bin and src files and allow you to use your shortcuts in the shell and in the widnows menu! (⊞ Win
did you know?
Rhiza means "Root" in greek 🌱🌿
rooting those apps for you