This PowerShell Module contains helper functions for:
- easier administration of the Windows Registry
- easier uninstalling of old PowerShell modules from PowerShellGet
Run the following command in PowerShell to install the module: Install-Module -Name "Skaldhor.HelperFunctions"
You can also download the module from PSGallery.
Please note that for some cases (registry settings on machine level/uninstalling modules outside your current scope) elevated rights are required.
Import the module with the following command:
Import-Module -Name "Skaldhor.HelperFunctions"
Run the commands Get-RegistryItem
, New-RegistryItem
and Remove-RegistryItem
to see, set/create and remove registry items.
Run the commands Get-ModulesWithMultipleVersions
and Remove-OldModuleVersions
to see and modules with multiple versions installed and delete old versions you don't need anymore.
Get-RegistryItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
When using New-RegistryItem
the value for the "Path" parameter must end with the following syntax:
The PropertyType must be one of: "String", "DWord", "QWord", "Binary", "MultiString", "ExpandString", "Unknown", depending on what entry you want to create.
New-RegistryItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TestString.String" -Value "test"
New-RegistryItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EnableSomeSettings.DWord" -Value 1
Remove-RegistryItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\BrowserGuestModeEnabled"
Remove-OldModuleVersions -ModuleNames "Module1"
Remove-OldModuleVersions -ModuleNames "Module1", "Module3", "Module5"
You can use the the value "All" to uninstall all outdated module versions you have currentyl installed:
Remove-OldModuleVersions -ModuleNames "All"
Get-MxRecord -Domain ""
Get-SpfRecord -Domain ""
Get-DmarcRecord -Domain ""
Get-ExternalTcpConnection | Format-Table LocalAddress, LocalPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, State, AppliedSetting, OwningProcess, OwningProcessName, OwningProcessInfo
Test-PrivateIp -IpAddress ""
Test-PrivateIp -IpAddress ""