Cafe API
This repository contains the source code for a RESTful API that manages information about cafes. Developers can use this API to perform various operations such as retrieving a list of all cafes, getting a random cafe, searching for cafes based on location, adding a new cafe, updating the coffee price of a cafe, and deleting a cafe by its ID. The API follows RESTful routing principles for a well-organized and predictable structure.
Technologies Used
- Flask: A lightweight web framework for building the API.
- SQL Alchemy: A SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for working with databases.
- Postman: A popular API testing tool for testing and exploring the functionality of the API.
Getting Started
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up the database:
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
- Run the application:
flask run
API Endpoints
1. Get All Cafes
- Endpoint: GET /cafes
- Description: Retrieve a list of all cafes.
2. Get Random Cafe
- Endpoint: GET /cafes/random
- Description: Get information about a randomly selected cafe.
3. Search Cafe by Location
- Endpoint: GET /cafes/search?location={location}
- Description: Search for cafes based on their location. The location parameter allows filtering by a specific geographical area.
4. Post New Cafe
- Endpoint: POST /cafes
- Description: Add a new cafe to the system. Requires providing details such as name, location, and coffee price.
5. Update Coffee Price
- Endpoint: PUT /cafes/{id}/price
- Description: Update the price of coffee for a specific cafe identified by its unique ID. Requires providing the new coffee price.
6. Delete Cafe by ID
- Endpoint: DELETE /cafes/{id}
- Description: Delete a cafe from the system based on its unique ID.