Javascript library for logging into DPS apps using OAuth authentication with 6D's Entitlement Server. After setting up a 3rd party authentication method for your app at, use this javascript class with a custom DPS library to enable seamless OAuth logins in your app.
Use bower install --save dps-oauth-login
to retrieve the javascript file, and add a script tag to your custom DPS library HTML document, for example:
<script src="path/to/dps-oauth-login.js"></script>
Add dps-oauth-login.js somewhere accessible by your DPS app (a web server, for example), and add a script tag to your custom DPS library HTML document, for example:
<script src="path/to/dps-oauth-login.js"></script>
In the custom DPS library HTML document, or in some other javascript file loaded by your custom DPS library, include the following code, making replacements as necessary.
var oauthLoginButton = new OAuthLogin({
redirectURI : "CUSTOMURI://oauth", // Replace CUSTOMURI the custom URI prefix for your app
clientId : "com.domain.adobeappid", // Replace this with your adobe app id
selector : "#buttonid", // Selector for elements that a click event will be added to.
service : "salesforce" // The OAuth provider name on 6D's entitlement server for your app.
Note that redirectURI
and clientId
are determined through the DPS App Builder. selector
refers to a CSS selector in your HTML document. service
should match the name of the authentication method to be used. The authentication method must first be set up for your app on in your app's settings.