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Data structures for PHP >= 7.0. Use data structures in your project using this library.



List implementations


Via Composer just copy and paste:

composer require siro-diaz/data-structures:"dev-master"



The list data structures supported are the following:

list type: class

  • Singly linked list: SinglyLinkedList
  • Circular singly linked list: CircularLinkedList
  • Circular doubly linked list: DoublyLinkedList
  • Array list: ArrayList
  • Stack: Stack
  • Queue: Queue

Singly linked list


Singly linked list is the simplest linked list that can be created. It has a pointer to the next node in the list and the last node points to null. All lists except stacks and queues have the same methods because they implements the same interface.

  • size()
  • empty()
  • get($index)
  • getAll()
  • getLast()
  • delete($index)
  • clear()
  • pop()
  • insert($index, $data)
  • push($data)
  • unshift($data)
  • shift()
  • toArray()
use DataStructures\Lists\SinglyLinkedList;

$myList = new SinglyLinkedList();
echo "Size of : ". $myList->size();
echo "Item at the beginnig: ". $myList->get(0);

Circular linked list


Circular linked list is a singly linked list that has a pointer to the last and first node. All lists except stacks and queues have the same methods because they implements the same interface.

  • size()
  • empty()
  • get($index)
  • getAll()
  • getLast()
  • delete($index)
  • clear()
  • pop()
  • insert($index, $data)
  • push($data)
  • unshift($data)
  • shift()
  • toArray()
use DataStructures\Lists\CircularLinkedList;

$myList = new CircularLinkedList();
echo "Size of : ". $myList->size();
echo "Item at the beginnig: ". $myList->get(0);
echo "Last item: ". $myList->getLast();

Doubly circular linked list


Doubly circular linked list is a doubly linked list that each node contained in the list contains a pointer to the next and previous node. In the of the first node it is going to point to the last node. It uses some performance tricks for insert, get, and delete operations.

  • size()
  • empty()
  • get($index)
  • getAll()
  • getLast()
  • delete($index)
  • clear()
  • pop()
  • insert($index, $data)
  • push($data)
  • unshift($data)
  • shift()
  • toArray()
use DataStructures\Lists\DoublyLinkedList;

$myList = new DoublyLinkedList();
echo "Size of : ". $myList->size();
echo "Item at position 1: ". $myList->get(1);
echo "Last item: ". $myList->getLast();

Array list


Array list uses the built in arrays as lists. In PHP all uses hash tables and it give array lists some performance advantages in operations like get that will be O(1). Array list auto increments their size internally, without the necessity of increment it manually. It is translates in a very easy way to implement this type of list.

  • size()
  • empty()
  • get($index)
  • getAll()
  • getLast()
  • delete($index)
  • clear()
  • pop()
  • insert($index, $data)
  • push($data)
  • unshift($data)
  • shift()
  • toArray()
use DataStructures\Lists\ArrayList;

$myList = new ArrayList();
echo "Size of : ". $myList->size();
echo "Item at position 1: ". $myList->get(1);
echo "Last item: ". $myList->getLast();



Stack is a LIFO (Last In First Out) data structure that works like a stack (as its name said). Last element that is inserted will be the first in going out. The implementation used in this library allow to especify a maximum size, in other words, it can be a limited stack. When limited stack is been used is important check if it is full before insert a new element.

  • size()
  • empty()
  • isFull()
  • peek()
  • pop()
  • push($data)
use DataStructures\Lists\Stack;

$myStack = new Stack(); // unlimited stack.
// new Stack(5) will contain a maximum of 5 elements.
echo "Size of : ". $myStack->size();
echo "Front element: ". $myStack->peek(1);
echo "Last element inserted and being removed: ". $myStack->pop();


The tree data structures supported are the following:

tree type: class

  • Trie tree: TrieTree
  • Binary search tree: BinarySearchTree
  • AVL tree: AVLTree

Trie tree


Singly linked list is the simplest linked list that can be created. It has a pointer to the next node in the list and the last node points to null. All lists except stacks and queues have the same methods because they implements the same interface.

  • size()
  • empty()
  • wordCount()
  • withPrefix($prefix)
  • startsWith($prefix)
  • getWords()
  • clear()
  • delete($word)
  • contains($word)
  • add($word)
use DataStructures\Trees\TrieTree;

$trie = new TrieTree();
echo "Size of : ". $trie->wordCount();  // 3
$trie->contains('hell');    // true

echo "There are words that start with 'he': ". $trie->startsWith('he');   // true

Binary Search Tree


Binary search tree (BST) is a data structure which has a root node that may have up to 2 siblings. Each sibling also can have a maximum of 2 siblings. If the node have not siblings it is called leaf node. The left sibling is lower than the parent node and right sibling is grater than it parent.

  • size()
  • empty()
  • delete($key)
  • put($key, $data, $update = false)
  • putOrUpdate($key, $data)
  • get($key)
  • getRoot()
  • exists($key)
  • min()
  • max()
  • deleteMin(BinaryNodeInterface $node = null)
  • deleteMax(BinaryNodeInterface $node = null)
  • search($key)
  • isLeaf($node)
  • isRoot($node)
  • preorder(Callable $callback = null)
  • inorder(Callable $callback = null)
  • postorder(Callable $callback = null)
use DataStructures\Trees\BinarySearchTree;

$bst = new BinarySearchTree();
$bst->put(4, 10);
$bst->put(2, 100);
$bst->put(10, 1000);
echo "Size of : ". $bst->size();
$bst->exists(100);  // false
echo "Is leaf?: ". $bst->isLeaf($bst->min());   // true

AVL Tree


AVL Tree is a binary search tree that has a balance condition. The condition consists in each subnode can have a maximum height of one respect the oposite side subtree (it means that right subtree of a node can't be higher than one, compared with the left subtree). If it has a height of two or more then is rebalanced the tree using a single left rotation, single right rotation, double left rotation or a double right rotation.


Same method that binary search tree.

use DataStructures\Trees\AVLTree;

$avl = new BinarySearchTree();
$avl->put(4, 10);
$avl->put(2, 100);
$avl->put(10, 1000);
echo "Size of : ". $avl->size();
$avl->exists(100);  // false
echo "Is leaf?: ". $avl->isLeaf($avl->min());   // true