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Consider you have a object data like this:
import Foundation
class MallInfor: Store {
var Code: String = "1"
var ExceptionMsg: String = "对象序列化"
var Msg: String = "成功"
var RequestId: String = "33"
var Result: SeckillListEntity?
override var description: String {
return "Code:\(Code) \n" + "ExceptionMsg:\(ExceptionMsg) \n" + "Msg:\(Msg) \n" + "Result.BrandCountryLogo:\(Result?.BrandCountryLogo) \n"
class SeckillListEntity: Store {
var BrandCountryLogo: String = "中国"
var BuyNumber: Int = 2
var CountryName: String? = "中国"
var DisCount: Int = 3
var Features: String? = "壮丽"
var ImageNameFull: String? = "图片名称"
var InStock: Bool = false
var ItemCode: String? = "4444"
var MarketPrice: String?
var Name: String?
var PromotionDescription: String?
var PromotionPrice: String?
var ShortName: String? = "华夏"
###save data object to disk
// raw data
let oldInfor = MallInfor()
// change some value
oldInfor.Code = "100000"
oldInfor.Msg = "what a new day"
oldInfor.ExceptionMsg = "no error"
oldInfor.Result = SeckillListEntity()
oldInfor.Result!.BrandCountryLogo = "world china"
// save to disk
###recover data from disk
let newInfor = MallInfor.recoverFromDisk("\(MallInfor.self)")
- object must inherit
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
SireAutoNSCoding is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SireAutoNSCoding", :git => 'https://github.com/SireAI/SwiftAutoNSCoding.git'
Sire, 1120523212@qq.com
##MyOther Projects SireJSONModel
SireAutoNSCoding is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.