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Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker

SirajChaudhary edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 7 revisions

Spring Cloud Circuit breaker provides an abstraction across different circuit breaker implementations. It provides a consistent API to use in your applications allowing you the developer to choose the circuit breaker implementation that best fits your needs for your app. Supported Implementations are,

Example: writing a circuit breaker for downstream airport-pilot-service so if the airport-pilot-service is down we send a dummy response as its result

Step1: Add spring cloud circuit breaker resilience4j dependency in pom.xml in a upstream microservice (airport-flight-service)

<!-- spring cloud starter circuit breaker (resilience4j implementation) -->

<!-- spring cloud starter aop (Its needed for spring-cloud-starter-circuitbreaker-resilience4j) -->

Step2: Add spring cloud circuit breaker resilience4j properties in application.yml in a upstream microservice (airport-flight-service)

# Spring Cloud Circuit breaker provides an abstraction across different circuit breaker implementations 
# i.e Hystrix, Resilience4j, Sentinel, Spring Retry
# circuit breaker switch is indicated with following terms 
# i.e. UP means switch is closed and so allowed all the calls closed - UP, open - DOWN, half-open - UNKNOWN
        # slidingWindowSize indicate (e.g. 5) after how many calls the switch will be open or close
        slidingWindowSize: '5'
        # we are now setting threshold value here like failure rate is greater then 60% make the switch open(DOWN)
        failureRateThreshold: '60'
        # switch will wait 50 seconds in open(DOWN) state so the down service airport-pilot-service get 50 seconds to recover
        waitDurationInOpenState: '50000'
        # after 50 seconds making switch as half open
        automaticTransitionFromOpenToHalfOpenEnabled: 'true'
        # allow 4 calls in half-open state of switch
        permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState: '4'
        allowHealthIndicatorToFail: 'true'
        registerHealthIndicator: 'true'

Step3: Create a circuit breaker in a upstream microservice (airport-flight-service) for a downstream microservice (airport-pilot-service)

Step4: Using a created circuit breaker in a upstream microservice (airport-flight-service) for a downstream microservice (airport-pilot-service)

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