This framework based on LeoEcsLite.
The main goal is to provide a more convenient API while maintaining the performance. And also add a number of features that simplify the development process.
Min. Requirements:
Unity 2021.3.3f1
You can install the repository using UPM
Just add this line in Packages/manifest.json:
"com.nanory.lex": "",
namespace Client.Battle
public sealed class AttackSystem : EcsSystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate()
// filters can be builded in every OnUpdate call
// (using caching local filters per system)
foreach (var attackerEntity in Filter()
// EcsSystemBase shortcut methods (Get, Add, TryGet, Has etc.)
ref var attackRequest = ref Get<MelleeAttackRequest>(attackerEntity);
ref var attackableEntity = ref Get<AttackableLink>(attackerEntity).Value;
if (attackableEntity.Unpack(World, out var targetEntity))
var isBlocked = TryGet<Blocks>(targetEntity, out var blocks);
if (isBlocked)
// Later - is a shortcut property for the "default" EntityCommandBuffer.
// Any other user-defined EntityCommandBuffer may be resolved using
// GetCommandBufferFrom<TSystem> method.
Later.Set<Blocks>(targetEntity) = blocks;
if (blocks.Count == 0)
Later.AddOrSet<DamageEvent>(targetEntity) = new DamageEvent()
Source = World.PackEntity(attackerEntity),
Value = Get<Attack>(attackerEntity).Value
Features workflow helps control which system will be created in which world without manually adding those systems to the world. Instead, the user determines which "Feature" the system belongs to.
Here is a quick example:
- First, let's define a user class, inherited from FeatureBase.
namespace Client.Some
public class Feature : FeatureBase { }
Note: the namespace is an important metadata that serves as a constraint for grouping user defined ecs-types by features.
- And then we can create as many systems as we need. Let's create one:
namespace Client.Some // note: the namespace is the same
public class SomeSystem : EcsSystemBase
public override void OnUpdate()
// some code
- In the end, we need to create a world, and determine what features will be included in this world:
class CoreStartup // can be a monobehavior or whatever you like.
private EcsWorld _world;
private EcsSystems _systems;
private EcsSystemSorter _sorter;
private Type[] FeatureTypes => new Type[]
// add a newly created feature...
// ...and all other desired features
private void Start()
_world = new EcsWorldBase(default, "Core");
_systems = new EcsSystems(_world);
// create a scanner - a special class that finds all user-defined ecs-data types.
var scanner = new EcsTypesScanner();
// pass necessary features to the scanner
var systemTypes = scanner.ScanSystemTypes(FeatureTypes);
// create a sorter - a special class that sorts systems in a hierarchical manner based on their order and groups.
_sorter = new EcsSystemSorter(_world);
// get systems and their system groups
var featuredSystems = _sorter.GetSortedSystems(systemTypes);
// add them to a "_systems" instance.
private void Update()
private void OnDestroy()
_systems = null;
_world = null;
Prefab-entitiy is an entity that has a Prefab
component assigned to it.
Component contains all pool indecies of all added components to this entity.
This component must be added first.
Prefab-entities doesn't match any Filter
Any prefab-entity could be instantiated:
// create the exact copy of the prefabEntity
var instanceEntity = World.Instantiate(int prefabEntity);
Buffer - is a pool-able collection type. Wraps a System.Collections.Generic.List<T>
inside it.
Implements an automated pooling mechanism, to prevent allocations.
Can be used:
- As a component field
public struct SomeComponent
public Buffer Buffer;
- As a component itself
var buffer = Add<Buffer<SomeComponent>>(entity);
If the buffer is used as a component field, then this component must implement an IEcsAutoReset<T>
, and call Buffer's AutoReset
inside it."
will be overwritten when the component is added to the entity.
- Conversion is a process of transformation runtime objects into the ECS world.
These objects can be anything (Poco objects, Scriptable objects, Gameobjects/monobehaviors etc.) that implements
public class AttackConversion : MonoBehaviour, IConvertToEntity
[SerializeField] int _value;
public void Convert(int entity, ConvertToEntitySystem converstionSystem)
converstionSystem.World.Add<Attack>(entity).Value = _value;
Note: note that the purpose of
is to modify the passed entity, not to create a new one.
has an API that instantly returns the converted entity:
ConvertAsInstansedEntity(IConvertToEntity convertToEntity)
- creates a new entity
- passes this entity to IConvertToEntity and returns it back.
ConvertOrGetAsUniqueEntity(IConvertToEntity convertToEntity)
- gets the primary entity mapped to the convertToEntity-instance.
- passes this entity to IConvertToEntity (n case of newly created entity) and returns it back.
ConvertOrGetAsPrefabEntity(IConvertToEntity convertToEntity)
- gets the primary entity mapped to the convertToEntity-instance
- sets this entity as a prefab-entity
- passes this entity to IConvertToEntity (n case of newly created entity) and returns it back.
There is also a scheduled version:
// ConversionMode: Instanced, Unique, Prefab
// creates a conversion request to be processed in the ConvertToEntitySystem
World.Convert(convertToEntity, conversionMode);
There is a buitin implementations of IConvertToEntity
called Authoring-Entity.
It is a class derived from ScriptableObject that contains a list of Authoring-Compoments.
is an abstract base class aslo implementing IConvertToEntity.
User can define as many Authoring Components as needed and then add them in the editor:
Assigning a base athoring entity means that all components from this base entity will be also included in the conversion process. These workflow reduces the memory consuption when working with a big dataset. And also make it easier for the designer to configure new entities.
EntityCommandBuffer is a helper class for scheduling entity operations to be executed later (Playback).
You can create, record and playback it manually, but Lex
by default has a predefined EntityCommandBufferSystem
s working like syncpoints.
// resolve EntityCommandBuffer from user-defined system
var ecb = GetCommandBufferFrom<SomeEntityCommandBufferSystem>();
// record some ops
ecb.Add<SomeComponent>(entity).Value = 15;
// this is a shortcut proprty, returning a EntityCommandBuffer from the default predefined system.
Later.Add<SomeComponent>(entity).Value = 15;
In case of MakeGenericType
doesn't fully work with IL2CPP there is a EcsTypesGeneratorBuildProcessor
that creates a .cs
with a list of final ecs types OnPreprocessBuild
phase. And deletes this file OnPostprocessBuild
Thus, no action is required from the user.
It would be not so fun to manually define all generic systems combinations to be created along with certain feature.
// for example:
var concreteTypes = new Type[] { typeof(MyGenericSystem<ComponentOne>, typeof(MyGenericSystem<ComponentTwo>, etc... )}
The good news, that there is a SystemTypesProviderBase
class to inherit from for describing the resulting types:
public class StatsSystemTypesProvider : SystemTypesProviderBase
public override IEnumerable<Type> GetSystemTypes(EcsTypesScanner scanner)
return scanner.
GetComponentTypes().Where(t => typeof(IStat).IsAssignableFrom(t))
.Select(statType => typeof(CalculateStatSystem<>).MakeGenericType(statType)).ToList();