This is the code base that we develop to help everyone to create android apps. This codebase provides collection of tools that is necessary to use in android development process. This codebase is "abstraction free", provide you non-strict pattern and rules. This codebase focus on tools that is essentials. This codebase not overriding super method; This means that we are not making "new method" to call the same effects; While this have some downside, in dependency implementation, our purpose is to reduce learning curve. Everything is about Pattern, Builder, and Strategy. This codebase is free to use and distribute under MIT licence.
What makes this codebase so powerfull is, that this codebase is tactical. We are using strategy pattern to enable or disable feature on demand. Even changing plugin version on the fly. This concept make it possible to upgrade the codebase without doing refactor. Bugfix or backward incompatible feature will be released as new module, and can be enable within the codebase initiation. This codebase also can be incubated in specifict module that implementing it. You can reshape the exclusive (incubated) module with strategy pattern, you can also copy and reproduce it to new instance. But you will need to be patience for this method will be available in version 2 ASAP.
By using this method plus dynamic module scheme, you will never be worry about Module Size and Backward Compatibility, Ever Again. Check this article for more information (
Tactical codebase is now Alpha. Check Releases.
This tactical codebase initiated with strategic pattern. You can enable or disable feature on the fly, even changing module version on the fly.
class MainApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
releaseImplementation 'com.github.SingularityIndonesia:AndroidCodebase:2.0.0-alpha1-20230925 '
debugImplementation 'com.github.SingularityIndonesia:AndroidCodebase:2.0.0-alpha1-20230925-debug'
- Provider
- Pluto Debugger
- OkHttp
- Retrofit Util
- Kotlin Arrow. Arrow provides functional programming pattern to your code.
- Gson
- LazyFunction
- Coroutine Util
- Permission Util
- State Collectors
- Room Database Util
- Encrypted Room Database
- Biometric Util
See : Architecture Guideline Example : Android Multi Module Guide
Note that this example was made as simple as possible, so it is not recommended to follow the architecture of the given sample and please read the notes.
We recomend you to use the MVVM+MVI together with State Automation Pattern like the example here, to reduce code diversity and eliminate side effects. By following that pattern you will no longer need to fight with spagetty flow and overlapping side effects. This pattern is exclusively being part of this codebase design. But be ware that MVI can be pretty slow in big data processing and in case you need more speed we recommend you to use pure but limitted MVVM pattern.
Feel free to chat with me: Stefanus Ayudha