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Pack (alpha)

Package up Clojure projects in various ways, based on a deps.edn file.

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Auto-add to project

Pack can add itself to your deps.edn automatically. It will not modify your indentation style at all. This is alpha, but so is everything else in this project.

It can be run at later times, in order to automatically bump the sha in your deps.edn. It will continue to work even if you rename the default :pack alias to something else.

This isn’t infallible. Please let me know if I break your indentation.
$ clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {pack/pack.alpha {:git/url "" :sha "dccf2134bcf03726a9465d2b9997c42e5cd91bff"}}}' -m mach.pack.alpha.inject '511c32d4238afb860ad0b16c4827322d80c7d615'
Latest stable sha is 511c32d4238afb860ad0b16c4827322d80c7d615.

The following examples assume you have run this.


The lambda approach will generate a zip which can be uploaded to AWS.

Example call
$ clj -A:pack -e classes

In this example:

  • is where to write the package to.

  • build_dir is a directory containing extra paths to add, for example it may be where you compile classes to, or write built css to.

Usage: clj -m [options] <path/to/>

  -A ALIASES               Concatenated aliases of any kind, ex: -A:dev:mem
  -R ALIASES               Concatenated resolve-deps aliases, ex: -R:bench:1.9
  -C ALIASES               Concatenated make-classpath aliases, ex: -C:dev
     --Sdeps EDN    {}    Deps data to use as the last deps map to be merged by tool.deps when pulling dependencies at build time. Equivalent to `clj -Sdeps EDN`.
  -e, --extra-path STRING  Add directory to classpath for building. Same as :extra-paths
  -h, --help               show this help is where to put the output zip. Leading directories will be created.

Lambda (and by extension, lambada) requires java classes. To generate these you will need to AOT your program.

Try this alias:

 {:extra-paths ["classes"]
  :main-opts ["-e" "(compile,'example.lambda)"]}}

Then your build process will be like so:

$ mkdir -p classes
$ clojure -A:aot
$ clojure -A:pack -C:aot


"Uberjar-ing" consists of packaging you application into one all-encompassing JAR (Java ARchive) file, called an "Uberjar", which can then be executed using java -jar myapp.jar ARG1 ARG2 ARG3…​.

Pack provides several approaches for creating an Uberjar:


This consists of building an Uberjar using Parallel Universe’s Capsule.

$ clj -A:pack mach.pack.alpha.capsule uberjar.jar -e build-dir --application-id mycoolapp --application-version "$(git describe)" -m myapp.main
$ java -jar uberjar.jar
Usage: clj -m mach.pack.alpha.capsule [options] <path/to/output.jar>
  -m, --main SYMBOL                           main namespace
      --application-id STRING                 globally unique name for application, used for caching
      --application-version STRING            unique version for this uberjar, used for caching
      --system-properties STRING              space-separated list of propName=value pairs, specifying JVM System Properties which will be passed to the application. Maps to the 'System-Properties' entry in the Capsule Manifest.
      --jvm-args STRING                       space-separated list of JVM argument that will be used to launch the application (e.g "-server -Xms200m -Xmx600m"). Maps to the 'JVM-Args' entry in the Capsule Manifest.
  -e, --extra-path STRING                     add directory to classpath for building
      --Sdeps EDN               {}            Deps data to use as the last deps map to be merged by tool.deps when pulling dependencies at build time. Equivalent to `clj -Sdeps EDN`.
  -M, --manifest-entry STRING                 a "Key: Value" pair that will be appended to the Capsule Manifest; useful for conveying arbitrary Manifest entries to the Capsule Manifest. Can be repeated to supply several entries.
  -h, --help                                  show this help

The main does not need :gen-class, it follows the same semantics as clojure.main’s -m main. If main is not specified, it will default to clojure.main, meaning it can take options like -m or -r. extra-path is useful for adding clojurescript & css to the resulting jar. It can be used multiple times.

Executing a Capsule JAR with JVM args / System Properties

As mentioned in the Capsule docs, when you execute a Capsule-packaged Uberjar, 2 Java processes are actually run: the Capsule launcher, and your application process.

In particular, JVM args and System Properties passed to the java command will apply to both processes, which if you’re not careful can result in waste of resources and collisions; for example:

  • If you pass the -Xms2g JVM arg, you’ve just allocated 2 Gigabytes of unnecessary RAM for the Capsule launcher

  • If you pass the System Property you will get an error, as both Java processes try to use the 7091 port for JMX.

The way to prevent this is to pass special options that will only apply to the application process. See the related Capsule documentation.

INFO: In the future I will extend Capsule support to include capsule-specific features, such as caplets and many of the related manifest attributes.


OneJAR builder. This is a suitable replacement for jdsoft JCL, without the GPL license. It’s especially practical where you can’t extract into a ~/.capsule directory, or don’t need to bake in JVM args.

Usage: clj -m [options] <path/to/output.jar>

  -e, --extra-path STRING                add directory to classpath for building
  -d, --deps STRING        deps.edn      deps.edn file location
      --Sdeps EDN          {}            Deps data to use as the last deps map to be merged by tool.deps when pulling dependencies at build time. Equivalent to `clj -Sdeps EDN`.
  -m, --main STRING        clojure.main  Override the default main of clojure.main. You MUST use AOT compilation with this.
  -h, --help                             show this help

output.jar is where to put the output uberjar. Leading directories will be created.


$ clj -A:pack output.jar
$ java -jar output.jar

jdsoft JarClassLoader

This has been removed due to my own licensing concerns about co-locating the source with my own.

Skinny JAR

Output a classpath, or subset of it, into directories or jars.

Usage: clj -m mach.pack.alpha.skinny [options]

      --no-libs                            Skip lib outputs
      --no-project                         Skip project outputs
      --lib-dir PATH       target/lib      Where to place the output libraries
      --lib-type STRING    :jar            Lib type format to use, keep or jar. Keep will keep in original format (jar or dir)
      --project-path PATH  target/app.jar  Where to place the project output, if it ends with .jar then the project will automatically output as a jar also.
  -A ALIASES                               Concatenated aliases of any kind, ex: -A:dev:mem
  -R ALIASES                               Concatenated resolve-deps aliases, ex: -R:bench:1.9
  -C ALIASES                               Concatenated make-classpath aliases, ex: -C:dev
      --Sdeps EDN          {}              Deps data to use as the last deps map to be merged by tool.deps when pulling dependencies at build time. Equivalent to `clj -Sdeps EDN`.
  -e, --extra-path STRING                  Add directory to classpath for building. Same as :extra-paths
  -h, --help                               show this help
Example 1. Put the entire classpath into jars and run from the filesystem
$ clj -A:pack mach.pack.alpha.skinny
$ java -cp "target/app.jar:target/lib/*" clojure.main
Example 2. Output only project files into a single jar
$ clj -A:pack mach.pack.alpha.skinny --no-libs

Uploading to Clojars (or Maven)

Using skinny jars, pack can be used to upload artifacts to Clojars. This example should be easily modified to work with Maven repositories too, but I haven’t tried. A full example can be found at super-duper-octo-barnacle.

  1. Follow Clojars maven guide for "settings.xml" only

  2. You can generate your jar by passing the --no-libs option to your jar. Also in this example is --project-path, although this is not strictly required. I highly recommend putting this in a Makefile or shell script.

    clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {pack/pack.alpha {:git/url "" :sha "2769a6224bfb938e777906ea311b3daf7d2220f5"}}}' -m mach.pack.alpha.skinny --no-libs --project-path my-cool-lib.jar
  3. You will also need a pom.xml, you can generate one with clojure:

    clojure -Spom
  4. Update the pom.xml as necessary to correct your groupId or version. Future calls to pom.xml won’t change them back.

  5. Use mvn command line to deploy

    mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=my-cool-lib.jar -DrepositoryId=clojars -Durl= -DpomFile=pom.xml

Docker image

Create a Docker image via Jib. Supports building to local Docker daemon (--image-type docker), tarball (--image-type tar) and uploading to Docker registries authenticated via $USER_HOME/.docker/config.json (--image-type registry).

Usage: clj -m mach.pack.alpha.jib [options]

      --image-name NAME                                   Name of the image
      --image-type TYPE        docker                     Type of the image, one of: tar, registry, docker
      --tar-file FILE                                     Tarball file name
      --base-image BASE-IMAGE  Base Docker image to use
      --include [src:]dest                                Include file or directory, relative to container root
      --additional-tag TAG                                Additional tag for the image, e.g latest. Repeat to add multiple tags
      --label LABEL=VALUE                                 Set a label for the image, e.g. GIT_COMMIT=${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}. Repeat to add multiple labels.
      --user USER                                         Set the user and group to run the container as. Valid formats are: user, uid, user:group, uid:gid, uid:group, user:gid
      --creation-time CREATION_TIME_EPOCH                 Set creation time of image in epoch seconds, e.g. $(git log -1 --pretty=format:%ct) Defaults to 0.
      --from-registry-username USER                       Set the username to use when pulling base image from registry, e.g. gitlab-ci-token.
      --from-registry-password PASSWORD                   Set the password to use when pulling base image from registry, e.g. ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}.
      --to-registry-username USER                         Set the username to use when deploying to registry, e.g. gitlab-ci-token.
      --to-registry-password PASSWORD                     Set the password to use when deploying to registry, e.g. ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}.
  -q, --quiet                                             Don't print a progress bar nor a start of build message
  -v, --verbose                                           Print status of image building
      --extra-java-args JAVA_ARGS                         Extra arguments to pass to the `java` command, e.g. --extra-java-args "-Dfoo=bar -ea"
  -m, --main SYMBOL                                       Main namespace
  -A ALIASES                                              Concatenated aliases of any kind, ex: -A:dev:mem
  -R ALIASES                                              Concatenated resolve-deps aliases, ex: -R:bench:1.9
  -C ALIASES                                              Concatenated make-classpath aliases, ex: -C:dev
      --Sdeps EDN              {}                         Deps data to use as the last deps map to be merged by tool.deps when pulling dependencies at build time. Equivalent to `clj -Sdeps EDN`.
  -e, --extra-path STRING                                 Add directory to classpath for building. Same as :extra-paths
  -h, --help                                              show this help

For example, to deploy to Google Container Registry, first perform authentication and then specify registry, repository and tag in the image name:

clj -A:pack mach.pack.alpha.jib \
    --image-name \
    --image-type registry \
    -m my.main

In order to pass Java system properties to the running container, JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable can be used. See example in Jib FAQ.

AOT for better startup speed

For larger apps, Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation can signifficantly speedup startup time. This can be done by first compiling Clojure source code to bytecode and then including the bytecode into the Docker image via the -e option, for example:

$ mkdir classes
$ clojure -e "(compile 'my.main)"
$ clj -A:pack mach.pack.alpha.jib \
      --image-name \
      --image-type registry \
      -e classes \
      -m my.main


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  • Java 63.9%
  • Clojure 36.1%