A realtime rendering engine leveraging modern vulkan and C++ features built as a research project.
All the following scenes are rendered in engine:
- Physically based rendering using a cook-torrence brdf
- Image based lighting
- Cascaded shadow maps + PCF filtering
- GLTF loading suppport via Fastgltf
- Early depth testing via Z-prepass
- HDR + options for Filmic/Uncharted/unreal tonemappers
- CPU side Frustum culling
- Multisampling anti-aliasing
- normal mapping
- Ktx Texture support for skybox
- Transparency
- Buffer device addressing for programmable vertex pulling
- Dynamic Rendering
- Clustered forward shading
- GPU driven rendering
- Move Frustum culling to a compute shader
- occlusion culling
- Bindless Resources
- Bloom
- Async compute
- Global illumination(SSGI(HBIL/SSIL)/Voxel GI/RSM/Deep G-buffers/light propagation volumes)
- Render graph
- shader hot reloading
- editor
- visibility buffer rendering
- virtual shadow maps
- Radiance cascades