Automation is the process of using software tools and scripts to perform tasks that would typically be done manually by a human. In the context of software testing, automation involves using tools to execute test cases and compare the actual results with the expected results automatically.
Selenium is a popular open-source testing tool widely used for automating web browsers. It allows developers and testers to automate web-based applications' testing across multiple browsers and platforms. Selenium provides a set of APIs to interact with web elements and manipulate their properties and behaviors, making it an ideal tool for automating UI tests.
TestNG is a testing framework for Java that is designed to be more flexible and powerful than JUnit. It supports a wide range of testing functionalities, including unit, integration, and end-to-end testing, as well as parallel execution, data-driven testing, and reporting. TestNG is often used with Selenium to create robust and scalable test automation frameworks.
- Selenium Webdriver
- TestNG Framework
- Java
- Gradle
- Intellij idea
- Allure
Clone this project
Hit the following command into the terminal:
gradle clean test
For generating Allure Report use these commands:
allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report
andallure serve allure-results
- Login to orange hrm demo site:
- Create 2 new employees and save it to a JSON list
- Now go to PIM dashboard and search by 1st user name. Assert that the user is found.
- Now click on the user from the search table and update id by random userid
- Now again search the user by new user id from the PIM dashboard menu and assert that the user is found
- Now logout from admin and login with the 2nd user from your JSON list
- Now click on My Info menu
- Select Gender and Blood Type and save it
- Click on contact details and input address and email
- Logout the user
- Admin Login with Invalid credential.
- Admin Login with valid credential.
- Create employee without username.
- Create first employee.
- create second employee.
- Search existing employee with invalid name.
- Search employee with valid name.
- Update employee Id by random Id.
- Search employee again with updated employee id.
- Logout Admin.
- Login second user with valid credential.
- Insert the second user's Gender, Blood, Address and email.
- Logout second user.