- Xampp
- SQLyog
- Create a database named database_assignment.
- create a table named customers.
- insert the following customer data:
a) First Name: Babara Last Name: MacCaffrey Date of Birth: 1986-03-28 Phone: 781-932-9754 Address: 0 Sage Terrace City: Waltham State: MA Points: 2273
b) First Name: Ines Last Name: Brushfield Date of Birth: 1986-04-13 Phone: 804-427-9456 Address: 14187 Commercial Trail City: Hampton State: VA Points: 947
c) First Name: Freddi Last Name: Boagey Date of Birth: 1985-02-07 Phone: 719-724-7869 Address: 251 Springs Junction City: Colorado Springs State: CO Points: 2967
d) First Name: Ambur Last Name: Roseburgh Date of Birth: 1974-04-14 Phone: 407-231-8017 Address: 30 Arapahoe Terrace City: Orlando State: FL Points: 457
e) First Name: Clemmie Last Name: Betchley Date of Birth: 1973-11-07 Phone: Address: 5 Spohn Circle City: Arlington State: TX Points: 3675
- Show only 2 members whose points are more than 1000.
- Find the customers whose age is in 1980 to 1990 or points less than 1000.
- Order the customers by points in ascending order.
- Find the customer whose name contains 'burgh' using Regular Expression.
- Find the customer who does not have phone number.
- Change the 'Date of Birth' column name into 'dob'.
- Find the max point holder customer name.
- Execute a query for the following scenario.
- If customers have points less than 1000, they are bronze member.
- If customers have points more than 1000 and less than 2000, they are silver member.
- If customers have points more than 2000 and less than 3000, they are gold member.
- If customers have points more than 3000, they are platinum member.