A simple emoji-based encryption-decryption library.
You can use the pip package manager to install the library.
pip install cryptmoji
or use poetry:
poetry add cryptmoji
Check the Documentation
from cryptmoji import encrypt, decrypt
text = "Hello, world!"
key = "random_key" # makes the encryption stronger (optional)
# The encrypt and decrypt functions return the value
decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, key=key)
# '🎽🏉🏭🏣🏴🎐🍵🐀🏧🐉🏴🏈🎆'
# The encrypt and decrypt functions change the value in-place too
decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, key=key)
# 'Hello, world!'
$ cryptmoji encrypt "Hello World" --key "test"
$ cryptmoji decrypt "🎿🏑🏸🏹🐁🍻🏑🐁🐄🏤🏪" --key "test"
Hello World
NOTE: key is an optional parameter. If not provided, the value defaults to