Capable of generating configuration files for Cumulus Linux based switches. This role aims to generate config files based on variables pulled from netbox and parsed to the right format with the ansible templating engine. Configuration files are automatically pushed to the switches.
This allows for convenient management of Cumulus switches through the GUI of netbox.
- Ranges filter plugin from the NAND-push repository. The interfaces template will not work without this.
Since this role was writte for the NAND-push software stack, standalone use might be limited and heavy editing of role files will be necessary.
Please see the NAND-push repository to get more information about the project and how to setup the framework.
The following configurations are possible with this role:
- interfaces
- frr
- DHCP relays
- hosts file
- istallation of packages
- installation and setup of etckeeper
- misc parameters such as DNS, NTP, SNMP
Handlers are in place to restart services when necessary.
This role was created by Sidarion.