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AngularJS starter kit

(Gulp, Browserify, Sass)

It is a seed project for AngularJS web application which objects is:

  • Organize all assets with gulp browserify and sass;
  • Provide easy to use extensibility with npm or bower package managers;
  • Create mockup server for your application;
  • Give the basic folders and modules structure of angular application;


  1. Create a new folder for your project, and clone this repo inside it
git clone --depth=1 ./
  1. Add your own repository (optionally)
rm -rf .git && git init && git add . && git commit -m "Init AngularJS Starter Kit"
git remote add origin your_repository_here
git push origin master
  1. Install bower if you don't have it already
npm install --global bower
  1. Install all npm and bower dependencies
npm install
  1. Install gulp if you don't have it already.
npm install --global gulp
  1. Run gulp
  1. Wait untill gulp do its job, ahd when you'll see the Server listening on port 9000 line go to http://localhost:9000
  2. Congratulations, you've just setup your angular application!

Basic folder structure

Some job for Captain Obvious

client/           // Cleint side files
node_modules/     // Node Modules
server/           // Server side files
gulpfile.js       // File with all gulp commands
index.html        // Basic page for angular project

Client folder structure

app/          // Angular app files
build/        // Minified concatenated assets generated by gulp
styles/       // Your general scss files which will includes in main entry for application scss
vendor/       // Bower_components folder
main.js       // Main entry for angular app js
main.scss     // Main entry for application scss
vendor.js     // Main entry for vendor js (you can require both node_modules and bower packages from it).
vendor.scss   // Main entry for vendor css (if you have an external package with css or scss - include it here).

Angular Folder structure

  components/               // Single angular components (like pages)
    home/                     // Folder with single component
      home-controller.js        // Controller for component
      home-view.html            // View for component
    modules.js                  // Describe all components modules here
  shared/                   // Angular components shared through application (like header, sidebar, etc..)
    header/                   // Folder for shared module
      header-directive.js       // Directive for shared module
      header-view.html          // View for shared module
    modules.js                  // Describe all shared modules here
  app.modules.js            // Basic angular application settings
  app.routes.js             // Angular routing
  app.queries.js            // Angular service which contains all $resource objects of the application

Server Folder Structure

data/         // Folder with mockup json data for server api
  test.json     // Mockup json file whic will be returned to the client by server api
libs/         // Folder with server libs
  loader.js     // Json files loader
routes.js     // Server routes
server.js     // Main server file which create and setup express application


####1) How do I start creating my own app
Just see angular folder structure comments and look at the existing components and shared modules.
It'll give you the picture of overall application structure.
So basically: you have main angular file client/app.modules.js. It contains your main app which requires components and shared modules. Components modules contains all single components of your application (like pages for example or single use directives), and shared module contains all elements of your app which will be shared across different parts of your application (like header, footer, or any reusable elements).
The main point here is using modular structure so later you can just delete the folder with your module and it's gone from your app completely (with all its directives, services, styles and views). So yes, you must put all files related to the module in its own folder, even the scss.
####2) How can I style my app
For styling you must use scss. The main entry for all your styles is client/main.scss, you can include in it all partials scss from your application. You must have two kinds of partial scss files.
First from client/styles folder - it'll contain scss partials with global styles for your app (settings, variables, mixins, forms, buttons, etc.).
And the second one - module partials: partials from different modules of your application (you can see one here client/app/components/seed-help/_seed-help.scss).
note: no need to write browser prefixes like -webkit, -moz or -ms it will be added automatically by gulp-autoprefixer for 2 latest versions of all major browsers (you can change this option in gulpfile.js - task buildSass).
####3) How can I install extension To add an extension to your app you must install it either from npm or bower, then you just require it from clinet/vendor.js. If this extension has its own styles you can just @import it from vendor.scss
note: if you want to import .css file create root-relative path for it /client/vendor/.. or /node_modules/..
####4) How can I use mockup server
When you've run gulp you automatically start the node server with express.
If you want to add your api route - just go to the server/routes.js and create one (use test route as example).
Add json file to the server/data/ folder and send it body in your new route with dataLoader, or just send whatever you want in your route.


AngularJS Starter Kit (Gulp, Browserify, Sass)







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