To install the required packages:
pip install uproot==3.13.0 numpy awkward lz4 xxhash
python [-h] -f FILE [-d DIRECTORY] [--e_pos_x VALUE] [--e_pos_y VALUE] [--e_pos_z VALUE] [--p_pos_x VALUE] [--p_pos_y VALUE] [--p_pos_z VALUE] [--e_energy VALUE] [--p_energy VALUE]
required arguments:
-f FILE, --file FILE The root file containing the reconstructed events
optional arguments:
-h, --help show the help message and exit
-s PATH, --source PATH
The directory or the path of the source simulation root file.If the root file path is
priveded, it overwrite the value of 'InputFilename'. Default path is ./
--e_pos_x VALUE The distance limit for the x-axis of the electon. Default is 2.6 mm
--e_pos_y VALUE The distance limit for the y-axis of the electon. Default is 10 mm
--e_pos_z VALUE The distance limit for the z-axis of the electon. Default is 2.6 mm
--p_pos_x VALUE The distance limit for the x-axis of the photon. Default is 2.6 mm
--p_pos_y VALUE The distance limit for the y-axis of the photon. Default is 10 mm
--p_pos_z VALUE The distance limit for the z-axis of the photon. Default is 2.6 mm
--e_energy VALUE The energy difference limit relative to the electron energy. Default is .12
--p_energy VALUE The energy difference limit relative to the photon energy. Default is .12