Required ROOT version: 6.24/00
Required MathMore (optional ROOT module that requires GSL)
Doxygen version 1.8.15
Compiler supporting c++17
CmdLineArgs >= 2.2.0
google tests dev package for test running
Run script
Before ComptonCamera6 installation, first install CmdLineArgs from master branch
Sources repository:
To get sources run from this branch:
git clone -b mlem_source_reco --single-branch https://github.com/SiFi-CC/ComptonCamera6/
In the ComptonCamera6 directory run:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir
make install
By default documentation is built and installed. Add following options to cmake:
-- to prevent building of documentation-DINSTALL_DOC=Off
-- will prevent installation of documentation to final location
Following directory structure will be created
/lib or /lib64 # depends on system
/share/ComptonCamera6/doc # if doc installed
Following scripts and macros will be also generated and installed into <location>/share/ComptonCamera6/
- set up all paths to run the CC6 executablesrootlogon.C
- startup macro for ROOT to load CC6 libraries
To make ROOT use this rootlogon.C
set following value in your ~/.rootrc
Rint.Logon: $(ROOTLOGON)
adds location of CC6 lib and bin directories to system variables 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' and 'PATH', respectively. If you wish to have it done automatically, insert the following line in your ~\.bashrc
source <location>/share/ComptonCamera6/profile.sh