Insider is an app which hide and retrieve encrypted text data in image. It basically is an implementation of steganography using AES encryption.
Insider app can be downloaded by the drive link below. Try it!!
Insider can hide the text given in the provided image and that image user can send to anyone freely. The same image can be decrypted and data/text can be retrieved from it using this app.
- Inputs-Key of 16 digits, Text (to be hidden), Image (in which text to be hidden)
- Text converted to bytearray and feed to AES encryption using android encryption library.
- Encrypted text in form bytearray converted to Base64 encoding
- Each chr of base64 string converted to binary value and combined as string with terminating string on both side.
- The binary string then inserted in the image using LSB method.
- The final image can be shared now.
- Inputs- Key of 16 digits(the same that used for encryption),Image(in which data is hidden)
- Binary data extracted from the pixels of image just by reversing the LSB method process.
- Binary string converted back to base64 string and base64 string again decoded to bytearray.
- Bytearray feed to the AES algo and by using the key the data is decrypted.
- The final decrypted bytearray converted to text(utf-8) and displayed on screen.
The android app lets you:
- Hide your secret text in any image.
- The image can be shared to anyone without other getting the hint about it
- The shared image can be decoded back to get the hidden text
- Can be used for both- fun or security purposes:)
Shyguy99 👑 💻 👀 💬 Author |
This project is a part of DevScript Winter of Code-DWoC. Winter of Code is an open source program envisioned by DevScript that helps understand the paradigm of Open Source contribution. For more details, you can check out this link
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ✨✨:
For any query you can contact me via email or if you have any contribution for the project you are welcome.