This is a Java GUI program for a Digital Clock. This Digital Clock shows Time, Date, and TimeZone. This works by implementing several Java Packages like Java.AWT and Javax.Swing packages.
Shubhanshu Jha
- java.awt package
- java.awt.event package
- javax.swing package
- java.util package
- java.text package
->Static GUI
->Appears at Center of Screen
->Displays the Previous Result
->Shows Time, Date, and TimeZone
->Implementation of WindowListener, ActionListener, and KeyListener
->Automatically detects the Time, Date, and TimeZone
->No need to give input
->Bold appearance
->12hr time format
Now, open the terminal, and give the command-
Now, run the Java program-
java DigitalClock
This program supports self-modification/updation.