- Youtube :
- William Fiset
- Reducible
- Micheal Sambol
- Neetcode
- Striver A2Z DSA course
- Websites :
- https://cp-algorithms.com/ (this is goldmine of performance and optimization)
- baeldung
- Practice and Contests :
- LeetCode (check solutions of each qs which contain sometimes comments giving new techniques more optmized)
- websites/playgrounds
- Oracle Live SQL (playground)
- Oracle Dev Gym (courses) : SQL has three levels(foundations for appln devs, next level for data analysts, performance for DBAs)
- Official Oracle Database docs are like books itself(stable vast easy to understand with diagrams)
- Websites :
- Baeldung
- Oracle Official Documentation of any product.
- Refactoring.guru
- Youtube :
- Campusx
- Statquest with Josh Hammer
- Youtube : 1)fireship 2)awesome
For books refer to Telegram channels.Junior Developer stuffs(beginner to intermeddiate level depth of frameworks and more focus on usages and projects) are written in Packt publishers books.More depth and Senior Developer stuffs(optimizing performance and advanced concepts in frameworks and languages) are written in books only by Oreily and Manning publishers.