Tuberculosis Seva Kendra - Spring, Hibernate App
Tuberculosis is a world known deadly disease which is completely curable according to the medications available in the current century. However, the mortality rate due to tuberculosis is still high in developing countries as well as in developed countries too! One of the main reasons behind this is because patients do not follow up with doctor once detected with tuberculosis. And the other reason being co-morbidity (presence of another primary disease apart from tuberculosis). To solve this problem, Tuberculosis Seva Kendra was built. This system will automatically assign follow up appointments to the patients once medical report is uploaded. Once medical report is fetched the system parses it and stores the relevant information in the database so that it can be used for analysis as well as for prioritizing appointments. Further this data can be useful to store medicine combination which can be used to cure conditions of co-morbidity.
- Java Spring and Hibernate - The programming languange and framework used
- My SQL - The MY SQL relational database system (RDS) used
- Bootstrap - The library used for UI
- REST services - The service used for sending and receiving data
- Shreyas Kalyanaraman - LinkedIn