Dark deno-powered hexadecimal plugin for Vim/Neovim
If you don't want to configure plugins, you don't have to use the plugin. It does not work with zero configuration. You can use other plugins.
Please read help for details.
Ddx is the abbreviation of "dark deno-powered heXadecimal".
The development is supported by github sponsors. Thank you!
I have chosen denops.vim framework to create new plugin. Because denops.vim is better than Neovim Python interface.
- Easy to setup
- Minimal dependency
- Stability
- Vim/Neovim compatibility
- Speed
- Library
- Easy to hack
Note: Ddx.vim requires Vim 9.0.1499+ or Neovim 0.10.0+. See requirements if you aren't sure whether you have this.
Please install both Deno 1.45+ and "denops.vim" v7.0+.
- View binary file
- Edit binary file(especially, insert bytes and delete bytes)
- Japanese encodings support
- GB data support
- Undo support
- ddx-commands
- ddx-ui-hex
- UI support
- Bitmap analysis