Use the email: dgshivu3232@gmail.com for signing up, as this is used for Stripe as well as mailgun
Challenges faced: Let the user know the order is being placed once the place order button is clicked. I was unable to add a loading indicator.
1./users -POST: Required data: "name", "email", "address", "tosAgreement" & "password" -GET: Required header: token. -PUT: Required header: token. Optional data: "name" and/or "address" -DELETE: Required header: token. Required data: "email"
2./tokens -POST: Required data: "email", "password" -GET: Required data: "token" -PUT: Required data: "token", "extend" -DELETE: Required data: "token"
3./menu -GET: Required header: "token"
4./cart: -POST: Required header: "token". Required data: "cart" -GET: Required header: "token" -PUT: Required header: "token". Required data: "cart" -DELETE: Required header: "token"
5./orders -POST: Required header: "token". Required data: "paymentMethod" -GET: Required header: "token".
1.Register by POST /users with "name", "email", "address", "tosAgreement", "password". Ex: { "name": "me", "email": "me@example.com", "address": "my address", "tosAgreement": true, "password": "mypassword" }
2.Login by POST /tokens with "email", "password". Ex: { "email": "me@example.com", "password": "mypassword" }
3.Access menu by GET /menu using the token recieved in step 2, in the request header.
4.Fill cart by POST /cart with [item ids], reffering the menu recieved in step 3. Ex: { "cart": [1, 7] }
5.Place order by POST /order with "paymentMethod". Ex: { "paymentMethod": "pm_card_visa" }
Note: 1.Step 3, 4, 5 will require the token recieved in step 2 as a header. Ex. Header: { "token": 123456789 }
2.For mailgun to work i.e., for step 5 to return 200, one must register with a mail id associated with mailgun API key & domain address in config.js. For the current API key & domain address to work you may use the email: 'dgshivu3232@gmail.com' in steps 1 & 2.