Kubernetes IaC for NodeJS Hello App
This is the IaC repo that builds the underlying infrastructure that continuously builds and deploys a sample NodeJS app hosted at https://github.com/Shivox/nodejs-hello
This diagrams shows an overview of this whole architecture, continue further for details about what this automated bootstrap script does.
These tools need to be present on the system before running the setup script (installation linked)
Disclaimer: This was developed and tested in a Linux environment, might need some tweaks to the setup script to work under macOS because of the minor discrepancies in the basic UNIX tools implementation (
for instance). Test to find out.
- Clone this repo locally
- Run the setup script like the following:
./setup.sh -t [dockerhub_token] -d [minikube_vm_driver]
I recommend using either
driver orkvm2
(I tested both of those).
- After the script completes, append the values shown to
- After the Jenkins pods starts and is ready, point your browser towards Jenkins at http://jenkins.ppro.dev/ and login with
then get your password fromprintf $(kubectl get secret --namespace default jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode);echo
You might need to disable HSTS checking in the browser in order to access the sites, as minikube ingress addon sadly cannot be configured with correct certs without a dirty mess, check this for how to do that.
- Run the pipelines in the following order:
: builds the docker image and pushes it to Dockerhubnodejs-hello-deploy-dev
: deploys the app to dev environment, accessible under http://nodejs-hello.ppro.dev/nodejs-hello-deploy-prod
: deploys the app to prod environment, accessible under http://nodejs-hello.ppro.prod/
- Provisions two minikube clusters
- Create required Kubernetes RBAC objects for helm to run and deploy charts
- Deploys a Jenkins chart using helm and loads the required configuration using Jenkin's Configuration as Code plugin:
- 3 piplelines (jobs) to build and deploy the project
- 2 clouds, one for dev cluster and the second for prod cluster
- Required plugins and runtime configurations.
- Once Jenkins is up and running the build/deploy works out of the box.
As this is just a demonstration, a lot of things could've been improved:
- HA database
- Dynamic DNS to avoid manually changing
- Using git branches with SymVer for app verionsing
- Hosting the artefacts (Docker images, Helm Charts) in the cluster using a tool like Artifactory instead of relying on Github and Dockerhub