This application is developed using spring boot and html5 the ide used for development is InteLEEJ Ultimate
This application has functionalities for two users such as member and admin
#--Short Introduction--#
The "Showcase Bookstore" is a small book and video lending company. Only registered customers can borrow books and videos. To allow members to access this service online, we created a web application. This includes an online reading/movie-watching platform. Additionally, admins will have a role in this application to manage the bookstore's members and books.
Spring Boot, HTML, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and Java EE features were used to create the web application. The IDE used to develop this web app was IntelliJ Ultimate, and a relational database, MySQL, was used to store the user and book data.
Admin can use this web application to manage books, members, notify members, and manage member complaints and messages, while members can view books, add books to favorites, remove books from favorites, read books online, reserve a book, return a book, contact admin, view notifications, and view profiles.