Single Producer Multiple Consumer Lock-free Bound queue written in Rust.
Can be used to efficiently implement work-stealing algorithms with polling.
The queue is bound and non-blocking. It can contain fixed number of elements,
and the push()
operation will fail if the queue is full, and pop()
fail if the queue is empty.
Waiting can be implemented by external methods, or a polling method can be
used by checking for is_full()
or is_empty()
operation is wait-free, i.e. it will be complete in a fixed amount of time.
operation is lock-free, i.e. out of multiple concurrent pop()
at least one will succeed. Others will retry the operations until they succeed.
# use std::thread;
use spmc_queue::SpmcQueue;
let mut queue = SpmcQueue::new();
let mut handles = Vec::new();
for t in 0..10 {
let c = queue.to_consumer();
handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
loop {
match c.pop() {
Some(element) => { println!("Consumer {} got {}", t, element); break; }
None => { thread::yield_now(); }
for i in 0..10 {
for h in handles {