Does your GitHub Graph looks like a noob with a few number of Commits and Push ? Do you want to have your contribution graph with lots of commit like pro. This project is to your rescue.
The project uses Moment, a JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. It allows you to make a commit on past date done by subtracting the years from given date and make commits over a period of regular days. Also you can do alot with this code.
Clone and fork the repository to make the changes in your local system.
git clone
cd Github_Graph
The following command creates a directory named node_modules and installs all the required packages in that.
npm install
Finally, run the project to see the magic of Moment package.
node index.js
Bang ! You can see the commit date in terminal.
subtract(year, "y");
year here represents the year to start the commits. Greater the value of year, more dense the graph along main axis. Example - subtract(2,'y')
add(days, "d");
Difference of commits between timestamps. Less the value of days, more dense the contributon graph will be. Example - add(4,'d')