Programming playground for my trials on cryptography and security in Java.
Sr No. | Experiment | Source code Link | Reference |
1. | Cracking Random number Generator | Link | Cracking Random Number Generator |
It is a process to convert a message to a fixed length random bytes. Bytes of hash output are usually denoted in Hex or Base 64 notation.
- When hashing is used for non security purpose, consider using MD5 or SHA family of hashes.
- When hashing is used for security purpose, consider using cryptographically secure hashes like BCrypt or Scrypt or Argon2
Hash function should have these 4 properties - Deterministic, irreversible, high entropy and collission resistance.
AFAIK, Java natively supports only PBKDF2, but others can be added via libraries.
Obfuscation is not encryption. It merely changes your plain text values to an indistinguishable random value, whose only purpose is security through obscurity at least in principle.