Instagram_Clone SQL Analysis
The Instagram Clone project focuses on creating a social media platform where users can share photos, interact through likes and comments, and build connections via a follow system. The database is designed for scalability, efficient data management, and seamless user interaction.
- User Management: Create and manage unique user profiles.
- Content Sharing: Enable photo uploads with ownership and timestamp tracking.
- User Interactions: Support likes, comments, and content engagement.
- Social Networking: Implement a follow system to build user relationships.
- Data Integrity: Maintain robust relational data structures.
- Scalability: Design for growth and future feature integration.
- Analytics: Facilitate insights into user behavior and platform trends.
Optimized Database Design: Normalized schema with indexing for fast queries. Data Integrity: Use foreign keys to maintain relationships and prevent data inconsistencies. Scalability: Designed to handle growth with options for sharding and replication. Query Performance: Efficient JOINs and optimized SQL queries. Efficient Storage: Minimal data redundancy and archival of old data. Concurrency: Handle simultaneous user actions with transactions and consistency checks. Monitoring: Regular performance checks and data backups. Load Balancing: Distribute traffic to maintain responsiveness during peak loads

Q2 What day of the week do most users register on? We need to figure out when to schedule an ad campgain?

Q3 We want to target our inactive users with an email campaign. Find the users who have never posted a photo?

Q8 A brand wants to know which hashtags to use in a post What are the top 5 most commonly used hashtags?

Q9 *We have a small problem with bots on our site...Find users who have liked every single photo on the site?