This is a PHP Looking Glass that is designed to support multiple types of router. If you don't know what a Looking Glass is, you probably don't need this.
- Quagga (via ssh)
Currently, support is limited to what I have access to. If you want support for something that isn't, then please provide access to the Router OS in question. (Read-Only access is all that is required.)
Installation is simple, place all the files in a web-accessible directory and edit the config file.
If you are using ssh-based routers, you will need the ssh2 module for php.
apt-get install libssh2-php
yum install php-pecl-ssh2
pecl install ssh2
Configuration should be done in "config.local.php" which will be included by the script, all available settings are described in config.php which can be used as a starting guide.
Once finalised I will flesh out this section a bit more.
Bugs and Feature Requests should be raised on the issue tracker on github. I'm happy to recieve code pull requests via github.
Comments can be emailed to - This is also a fine place to send read-only access details for routers you want support for, please also raise a feature-request issue if you do this.
Any graphic designers able to create a better deault logo, let me know ;)