fcast is a collection of python tools used for forecasting flood events and their impact on transportation infrastructure. The following datasets are used:
- The NHDPlus V2.1 dataset
- Staged Elevation from The National Map.
- USGS National Transportation Dataset (NTD)
- The National Water Model (NWM)
See https://dewberry.github.io/fcast/setup/ for installation details.
- The collection of core .py files.
- GageUSGS: An API for webscraping stream gage data from various USGS websites.
- NHDPlusStreamSegment: An API for quick and easy access to the NHDPlus V2.1.
- NWM: An API for quick and easy access to the NWM output files.
- plotting: Functions for plotting using matplotlib and pandas.
- The collection of Jupyter Notebooks running the code in the fcast subdirectory. Jupyter Notebooks are used because they produce easy, reproducible, and accesible outputs.
- MediumRangeForecasts: Retrieve the medium range forecast of streamflow from the outputs of the National Water Model. More information can be found here under Forecast Configurations.
- NWM_classes-Dev: Development space for NWM class objects.
- ShortRangeForecasts: Retrieve the short range forecast of streamflow from the outputs of the National Water Model. More information can be found here under Forecast Configurations.
- USGS_Gages: Example usage of the GageUSGS class.
- clean_GageLoc_shp: The notebook used to clean and add attributes to the GageLoc shapefile. The output shapefile/json is used to easily match ComIDs with USGS gage IDs.
- compare_rc_NWM_USGS-Dev: Development space for comparing rating curves from the National Water Model to the rating curves from the USGS.
- explore_NHDPlus-Dev: Development space for the StreamSegmentNHD class.
- A collection of Jupyter notebooks used for exploring 1D and 2D NWM rating curves and retrieving NWM HAND datasets.
- rating_curves: Exploration and comparison of the
rating curve files. - rating_curves_1D_nc: Exploration of rating curves from the NWM 1D netcdf file.
- rating_curves_2D_nc: Exploration of rating curves from the NWM 2D netcdf file.
- retrieve_HAND_datasets: Download of HAND datasets for data exploration.
- An initial look at the NWM reanalysis netcdf files.
- Clean_data_By_date: Organizing downloaded data by dates.
- Download_Reanalysis_Data: Downloading reanalysis netcdf files from s3.
- Plot: Plotting NWM reanalysis data.
- Time_series: Making a time series at a specific ComID.
- explore_reanalysis-Dev: A notebook for downloading a time series of reanalysis data from s3 and making a streamflow time series plot at one ComID.
- reanalysis: Functions used in the explore_reanalysis-Dev notebook.