A Web based application with React.js for the frontend functionality as well as Redux.js handling state with a Rails API for the backend.
Users can create an account to create “groups” that prefer a certain type of live event and create “events” that they have attended to keep logs of.
Explore: | [Blog:] (https://shaneg25.github.io/react-_final_project-_evented) | [Backend:] (https://github.com/ShaneG25/evented-api)
Tech Stack
This Web App was built with the following:
- Ruby [2.6.1]
- Rails [~> 6.0.3] - Custom API
- React components and Redux handling state
- Custom CSS
Backend installation:
- Clone this repo to your local machine git clone
- run bundle install to install required dependencies
- run rails db:create to create a database locally.
- run rails db:migrate to create tables into the database.
- run rails db:seed to create seed data.
- run rails s to run the server.
Frontend installation:
- Clone frontend repo to your local machine git clone
- Ensure transit-backend is running locally
- run yarn install
- run yarn start