A library for handling PSO2 Aqua formats, with a focus on models, functional in grabbing model data from the game's format.
Programs utilizing this lib have been moved to: https://github.com/Shadowth117/Aqua-Toolset
Intended for at least .NET 6 and x64 systems, but should build fine with higher .NET versions easy enough. Note for the AquaModelLibrary.Native that you must obtain the FBX SDK (Free as of writing) and copy the include and lib folders to /AquaModelLibrary.Native/Dependencies/FBX/.
Aqua Model Tool - A tool for editing PSO2 models, along with various other utilities.
-Allows for editing many of the various structures in a model directly
-Allows for importing and exporting from .fbx models and the game's format
-Allows for importing and exporting the game's .prm/.prx simple model format
-Allows for importing (but not yet exporting) animations to PSO2's format from .fbx (Experimental. Export is being worked on)
-Allows for transplanting shader struct metadata from one model to another
-Provides a utility for 'spirefying' models (Created to assist with NGS's gathering primarily)
-Provides a utility for updating mod animations, or others only in old pso2, to be compatible with NGS bodies
-Provides a utility for batch converting models to .fbx
-Provides a utility for batch dumping pso2 .set file data to plain text
-Provides a utility based on aqp2obj for taking in and exporting .obj data from PSO2 models (Not recommended for NGS)
-Allows for converting the game's .text to and from plain text
-Allows for patching PSO2 Global's translation onto PSO2 JP.
-Allows for generating file reference sheets based on the selected client
-Allows for parsing shader data from the game's various models for analysis
-Allows for parsing the game's older VTBF type files to text for analysis
-Allows for dumping PSO2 NGS maps to .fbx and .png files
As well as a few non PSO2 features:
-Allows for converting most Phantasy Star Nova models to pso2's format
-Allows for converting most Phantasy Star Portable/2/2 Infinity models to pso2's format
-Allows for converting PSO1 PC n.rel stage models to pso2's format
-Allows for converting PSO1 .xvm texture archives and .xvr textures to .dds textures
-Allows for converting From Software flvers to .fbx or pso2's format
-Allows for converting to From Software flvers from Assimp compatible formats (fbx recommended)
-Allows for converting BluePoint games .cmdl/.cmsh to .fbx or pso2's format
The library allows for many more PSO2 specific features, however.
CMX Patcher - A tool for patching PSO2 .cmx files in order to expand what can be modified.
-Patches .cmx files to make life easier for character part mods
-Can 'jailbreak' the character creator benchmark, allowing access to all character parts from the current game
Weapon Installer - A tool for listing out existing weapon files for PSO2 and NGS as well as swapping them at a basic level. Weapon swaps between categories may work better for old PSO2.
Aqua Auto Rig - A command line tool intended to replace the old AQP2OBJ tool that was made by the Japanese community. Not recommended for NGS.