⚠️ This project is out only as a beta, if you see any bugs, please make an issue⚠️ ⚠️ Due to this being in beta, API changes are to be expected, even if semver would disagree with this change⚠️
This is a golang implemintation of a discord chat explorer like this or this.
- Highly configurable
- Barely any dependencies
- Multiple ways of exporting (TEXT (ie. a log), JSON w/ meta info, HTML (visual))
- Allows auto parsing of channels
- Allows filters that aren't mutually exclusive (unlike discord)
- Golang superiority
- Mass downloads from guild(s)
- Commitments to less bloat
- Customisability
Please check the wiki
You have to use a user token, since bots are no longer allowed to download messages later than the last 2 weeks.
This is technically breaking the discord terms of service, as it is user botting.
However, so far, haven't been banned so make your own conclusions.
Pull requests are always welcome! Just make sure to follow the code of conduct :)
- Make this a more cli friendly app
- Add an option for command line flags for config
- Add a global location for themes (probs would have to embed the default ones)
- Autoparsing of IDs
- Writing tests
- html:
- Add system messages (like calls or pins)
- Improving html
- Adding more themes
- Add some reactivity (eg. actially go to the message being replied to when clicked)
- Add a GUI