Releases: Shad0wlife/DSP_AssemblerUI
Version 2.3.0
Hello everyone!
After a long hiatus, an update was needed to support the dark fog game update.
In that context, I decided to finally finalize the configuration to show a custom number of decimal places.
I hope everything works as intended - and if not, that's what the issues tab is for ;)
Thanks for your patience!
Version 2.2.1
Hey folks, this update fixes the compatibility with the Mecha Customization Update, as the logic added to support the proliferator (or however the factory buff device is called) broke the mods. Should work as usual again with this update.
Version 2.2.0
I wanted to fix an issue when playing multiplayer using Nebula, where an error appeared when a player had an assembler's UI open, and another player changed that assembler's recipe.
When researching a fix, I realized that under very specific circumstances, the issue can even be reproduced in vanilla with recipe copy/pasting. Thus, this update - hopefully fixing both issues (at least definitely fixing the copy/paste bug as far as I could determine).
Version 2.1.0
Version 2.0.0
Finally - the Long awaited update.
Adds the option to show your miner speeds (includes Oil Extractor! [and Water Extractor, but It's rather useless there]) too.
And you can show your speeds in items/s instead of items/min should you prefer that format.
Version 1.2.0
Now you can decide whether you want the live speed of your device, affected by power and lack of resources etc. or if you want the plain recipe speeds for the current device without any other values impacting.
Version 1.1.0
Updated to also show input consumption speeds. Added configuration to enable/disable input and output speeds separately.
Update also available at
Version 1.0.0
First Release. The attached build is the package as uploaded to