An app where you can manage your cash flow.
The main point of this project is to deploy a working app, starting from the stretch, following the good practices.
- Live Demo
- Business requirements
- Potential future features
- Built With
- Database Diagram
- Getting Start
- Contributing
- Acknowledgments
- Author
- License
You can access a deployed version of this app:
- Create an account and make a login
- Authenticate with username only
- Display total and a list with all transactions
- Authenticate with username only
Transactions and External transactions
- Create groups
- See a list with all groups
- See transactions by groups
- Mobile App
- Chart with incomes x outcomes
- Search feature
- Responsive Design
- Checklist while creating an account
- Ruby 2.6
- Ruby on Rails 5.2
- Postgres
- Rubocop and Stylint (Linters)
- GitHub Actions (CI Tool)
- Git, Github and VScode
To use this program, you will need to install:
Ruby Language - Version 2.6 - Install guide
Ruby on Rails - Version 5.2 - Install guide
Now you need a copy of this application, if you are using Git:
git clone
Otherwise just hit (Download Zip) on the green button (Code) at top of this page.
Install all dependencies with:
bundle install
Setup database with:
rake db:schema:load
and populate the database with defaults using:
rails db:seed
To run, from the application folder, just type on terminal:
rails server
Now you can go to your favorite web browser like Google Chrome and access the URL
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
You can do it on issues page.
A special thanks to the code reviewers.
👤 Thiago Miranda
- Github: @SevlaMare
- Twitter: #SevlaMare
- Linkedin: SevlaMare
Design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance.
Creative Commons • July 2020